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Madeline is still doing fairly well.  She did not move to an open crib today.  They tried to wean her from the isolette, but she wasn't quite ready.  Her bilirubin levels are up, so they started her on the Neoblue phototherapy.  This will bring her bilirubin levels down and make her look less jaundice.  Her labs came back elevated, so they started her on 2 different IV antibiotics.  She's been on and off receiving IV fluids because she can't seem to keep her food down.  She keeps throwing up during, after and between feeds.  She has more labs to be drawn in the morning, so that will tell us where we are at with all the treatments she is getting & whether or not we need to change things. 

Matthew was really excited to see her.  As soon as my mom brought him to the hospital he said, "C'mon mom, let's go see Madeline".  I was quite surprised by his reaction.  I think he is going to be a wonderful big brother.

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This page contains a single entry by Jenn published on July 1, 2008 2:05 PM.

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Moved to an Open Crib is the next entry in this blog.

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